Tater Fest features Super Spud, tater tats, potato sack races and more | The Monroe Sun

Tater Fest features Super Spud, tater tats, potato sack races and more

Kelly Plunkett, manager of the Monroe Farmers' Market, left, with Super Spud and Dylan Pinto, a Masuk senior, who planned Tater Fest for her Capstone project.

MONROE, CT — Dylan Pinto, a Masuk High School senior, organized Tater Fest for her Capstone project, which was held at the Monroe Farmers’ Market Friday. It offered families a day of potato sack races, kids crafts, a baked potato bar, a Tater Trot and Tater Tats. Super Spud, a potato mascot, danced around the Church Green and exchanged high fives with children.

Kids enjoy a potato sack race at Tater Fest, held at the Monroe Farmers’ Market Friday.

Kelly Plunkett, the market manager and Pinto’s mentor for her Capstone, said Tater Fest was a celebration of National Potato Month.

“She did a great job,” Plunkett said Friday afternoon. “We’re having a great turnout so far.”

Pinto came up with ideas for the events for Tater Fest, made sure its activities had staffing, got all of the materials, and promoted the event on social media.

“I loved it,” Pinto said. “I feel like I found my love for event planning and creating fun activities for kids and the whole family. It was very fulfilling to plan.”

Super Spud makes a friend.

She said she is also happy to have planned the event for the Monroe Farmers’ Market, which offers a place for people to enjoy fresh food and music, while socializing with family and friends.

Plunkett said Barbara Fahr made the costume for Super Spud.


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