New Teacher Profile: JHMS welcomes Nicole Waibel to the Lions Den | The Monroe Sun

New Teacher Profile: JHMS welcomes Nicole Waibel to the Lions Den

Nicole Waibel will work for the Lions Den, a new program at Jockey Hollow Middle School.

Name: Nicole Waibel

Position: Will teach in Jockey Hollow Middle School’s new behavioral program called the Lions Den, providing students with the emotional support they need in the classroom.

Coming from: Norwalk Public Schools (two years)

Grew up in: Lived in Monroe, but grew up in Norwalk

Education: Earned a Bachelor’s degree special education and elementary education from Southern Connecticut State University

What do you like most about teaching?

I love seeing kids grow hugely in a short amount of time. When we provide them with the emotional and counseling support they need, we’ll see them grow immensley. 

What do you most look forward to about teaching in Monroe this fall? 

The community. I have very good warm and fuzzies right now.

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