Monroe, CT Residents runs promotion for businesses, food pantry | The Monroe Sun

Monroe, CT Residents runs promotion for businesses, food pantry

MONROE, CT — The coronavirus pandemic has led to increased demand at the Monroe Food Pantry and to losses of revenue for small businesses. The Monroe, CT Residents Facebook page is running a promotion to boost sales for local businesses and put food on the tables of struggling families.

“Now, more than ever before, Monroe businesses and the Monroe Food Pantry are asking for your help for your neighbors and our community,” said Barbara Fahr, an administrator of the Facebook page. “An anonymous donor has offered to match your COVID-19 safe business activity with Monroe owned/located businesses with a $10 donation to the Monroe Food Pantry.”

How to participate

Participants are asked to post a picture or live feed on the Facebook page of themselves buying a gift certificate — online shopping and receipts work — or picking up a curbside order dated April 27 or later.

Then check in on the Monroe, CT Residents Facebook page, tagging the business. Include these two hashtags: #doyourbusinessinMonroe and #feedyourneighbor.

The promotion is also set up for Monroe Food Pantry donations. Post a picture or live feed of yourself dropping off food donations at the pantry, 980 Monroe Turnpike, and include the two hashtags.

“Enter as often as Covid-ly practical,” Fahr said.

“If knowing that you’re helping a Monroe business and hungry neighbor have food on the table isn’t enough motivation, there will be a drawing for all participants at the end of this ‘contest,'” she said. “Stay tuned to hear what those prizes are. We’re all in this together!”

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