Marketplace Square hearing to continue on February 6

This is a computer rendering of an upgraded facade planned for Bart Center, 590 Main St.

MONROE, CT — A hearing on a proposal to establish a new Special Development District at 590, 600 and 604 Main Street to make way for Marketplace Square, a project to improve the front facade of the Bart Center building, construct a 21,000-square-foot commercial storage facility in the back, plant a landscape buffer and install a new stormwater treatment system will continue on Thursday, Feb. 6.

The Planning and Zoning Commission hearing will be held inside the Council Chambers of Monroe Town Hall, 7 Fan Hill Road, at 7 p.m.

Jason Montagno of Solli Engineering, the professional engineer for the applicant, 590 Main Monroe LLC, asked for the hearing to be continued after listening to feedback from commissioners, town staff and residents when the hearing opened on Jan. 16.

Montagno told commissioners this would allow time for his client to respond to people’s concerns and make the proposal more compliant.

This plan shows a 21,000-square-foot storage facility behind Bart Center.

Neighbors of an auto repair shop at the corner of Main Street and Bart Road are already upset over ongoing zoning violations by the business. Many live on Bart Road, Verna Road and Melon Patch Lane.

This conceptual plan for the commercial storage facility includes 21 units for contractors to lease.

Among the concerns expressed by residents on Jan. 16 is the potential for more noise, the close proximity of the storage facility to wetlands and potential pollution of the West Pequonnock watershed, which provides public drinking water.

Aquarion Water Co. had submitted a letter in opposition to the plan to protect its watershed.

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