Cliff congratulates Scott on his reelection in Connecticut’s 112th District | The Monroe Sun

Cliff congratulates Scott on his reelection in Connecticut’s 112th District

Beth Cliff, left, and her daughter, Lorraine, greet voters outside the polls at Fawn Hollow Elementary School Tuesday night.

Election outcomes came in late Tuesday night, so on Wednesday morning Beth Cliff, the Democratic Party candidate for Connecticut’s 112th District, called incumbent Republican, State Rep. Tony Scott to concede.

Scott, of Monroe, was reelected to his third two-year-term as the representative of Monroe and portions of Easton and Trumbull.

“I called Tony this morning and congratulated him on a good race and his successful win,” Cliff said. “I left a voicemail and my phone number, so he could call me back should he wish to.”

Cliff, of Easton, said she spent much of Wednesday morning writing thank you notes to supporters.

“Since starting in May, I have been humbled by the groundswell of volunteers and supporters who helped me in my campaign,” she said. “For someone new to politics, this was especially meaningful.”

“I want to say thank you to them, and to all the voters who spoke at the polls yesterday,” Cliff continued. “Many share my concerns about our freedoms, protections and values, and I trust we will all keep those top of mind — as Nutmeggers and Americans — in the months and years to follow.”

Cliff said she was proud to have carried her hometown of Easton and to have a strong showing in Trumbull. “And I met a ton of great folks in Monroe, who were excited about the campaign,” she added.

“In the end, it was a good race and I’m glad I was in it,” she said. “Having unopposed seats doesn’t allow for voters to have choices; and in democracies I believe making the choices come alive for voters is what it’s all about. We did that in the 112th.”

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