Voters to decide fate of Monroe’s town budget proposal at St. Jude School

MONROE, CT — Townspeople will go to a single location when they cast their votes during the annual budget referendum on Tuesday, May 7. The polls will be open inside the St. Jude School gym, 707 Monroe Turnpike, from 6 a.m. until 8 p.m.

Those who are not residents, but own at least $1,000 worth of property in Monroe and are a U.S. citizen age 18 or older, may vote off the Grand List at Town Hall.

The $104.1 million town budget proposal for fiscal year 2024-25 carries a 1.91 percent increase in the tax rate, though individual tax bills will depend upon one’s property assessment.

Individual tax bills can be calculated by multiplying one’s assessed property value by the mill rate, projected to be 38.27 mills, and then dividing by 1,000. The current mill rate is 37.55.

All voting for the May 7 budget referendum will be at St. Jude School.

The town budget proposal includes $71,464,259 for education, which is $3,780,835 or 5.59 more than the current $67,683,424 budget.

The town budget proposal has $31,748,849 for municipal services, which is $499,161 or 1.6 percent more than current spending. It also includes a $400,000 Board of Finance contingency and $486,586 of “other appropriations.”

The Board of Finance approved the final numbers for the referendum during its meeting on April 18.

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