Tropical Storm Isaias knocks out power to over 60% of Eversource’s Monroe customers | The Monroe Sun

Tropical Storm Isaias knocks out power to over 60% of Eversource’s Monroe customers

Tuesday's storm knocked this tree down, across a driveway on Hammertown Road. Contributed

MONROE, CT — Tropical Storm Isaias is carrying heavy gusts of wind that has taken town trees and wires, leaving 60.2 percent of the town without power.

According to Eversource’s Outage Map, 4,803 of the power company’s 7,979 Monroe customers were without power, as of 4:55 p.m. The storm is expected to last until 10 p.m. Tuesday tonight.

“We have been working all afternoon when it is safe to do so,” said Mitch Gross, a spokesman for Eversource. “We’ve also had instances where the line trucks have had to pull over on the side of the road and wait, because of the strong winds, heavy rains, and falling tree limbs. We have a lot of work to do.”

Police started to receive reports of downed trees and wires and power outages around 1:45 p.m., according to an update on the Monroe CT Police Department Facebook page.   Police also reminded drivers to stay off the roads unless it is absolutely necessary to go out.

“We are responding to these hazards as quickly as possible,” police posted at 4:45 p.m. “Please stay away from downed wires. If you have an emergency, dial 911. If you are experiencing a power outage, contact the power company directly.”

In a Code Red alert issued Monday, First Selectman Ken Kellogg listed the phone numbers for utilities serving people in town:

Eversource – Power Outage: 1-800-286-2000

Eversource – Natural Gas: 1-877-944-5325

Aquarion: 1-800-732-9678

Charter/Spectrum: 1-833-780-1880

Frontier:    1-800-921-8101

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