Thieves enter unlocked vehicles on Pine Tree Road, steal a limo | The Monroe Sun

Thieves enter unlocked vehicles on Pine Tree Road, steal a limo

Police believe thefts from unlocked vehicles and the theft of a black 2018 Volvo S90 T5 reported on Pine Tree Road Sunday are related.

A male resident told police he had parked the Volvo, which is owned by Elite Limousine, in front of his home on Saturday. Then he found out it was stolen after receiving a call from his company dispatcher at 3:50 a.m. Sunday, asking why it was in Waterbury.

Waterbury police officers later recovered the stolen vehicle and arrested the occupants after a short foot chase, according to police.

The Sun left a message with the Waterbury Police Department’s public information officer to get details on the incident and the suspects arrested and will update this story if more information becomes available.

On Sunday afternoon, another Pine Tree Road resident reported two unlocked vehicles were entered and an inventory was underway to determine what items were missing.

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