The Wolfe’s Den Playground gets a zip line and a pink flowering dogwood

MONROE, CT — Installation of a new zip line was completed at The Wolfe’s Den Playground at Wolfe Park Sunday morning, along with the donor signs, and Girl Scout Troop 34001 planted a pink flowering dogwood outside the fence for the playground during a tree planting ceremony for Arbor Day.

Signs for the playground were donated by Superior Signs LLC in Monroe and Planters’ Choice Nursery donated the dogwood for the planting ceremony.

First Selectman Ken Kellogg read a proclamation at the tree planting ceremony, which was led by Parks and Recreation Director Missy Orosz.

Among the small crowd, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Jonathan Stone attended the Arbor Day Ceremony with his wife, Town Clerk Vida Stone.

Girl Scout Troop 34001’s members are from Fawn Hollow and Stepney Elementary School.

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