MONROE, CT — A public information session on the proposal for a new cell tower on town-owned property behind the former Chalk Hill School, 345 Fan Hill Road, is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 30, according to First Selectman Ken Kellogg.
During its meeting Monday, the first selectman told the Town Council he had asked ARX Wireless, LLC, the company who wants to build the a 170-foot tower, to schedule the meeting.
“As this is proposed on town property, a future lease arrangement would be presented to the Town Council for approval, which would generate revenue to the town,” Kellogg said. “Furthermore, the town would benefit by relocating certain public safety communications equipment to the new tower.”
The tower would replace AT&T’s existing cell on wheels unit, which has been at Fawn Hollow Elementary School since 2012 and provides coverage for the surrounding neighborhood.
On Monday, Kellogg told the Town Council the proposal has received a favorable report from the Planning and Zoning Commission “pursuant to the Council’s referral pursuant to CGS §8-24.”
“This matter is still subject to further approvals from Town Council for a ground lease, as well as P&Z approval of the site plan,” Kellogg said.
The new tower would also allow for multiple carriers and improved service throughout the neighborhood and replace the existing municipal tower at the fire department, according to Kellogg.