Monroe secures $500K grant for reconstruction of Old Zoar Road | The Monroe Sun

Monroe secures $500K grant for reconstruction of Old Zoar Road

MONROE, CT — The town of Monroe received approval for $500,000 in state funds for the reconstruction of Old Zoar Road.

“Old Zoar Road is nearly two miles in length and was already identified by our Department of Public Works as needing significant replacement of drainage infrastructure and complete pavement reconstruction,” First Selectman Ken Kellogg said. “I’m extremely grateful that the state has approved our grant application, which will substantially offset our local costs to address this road.”

The $500,000 in state funding, which is from the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), will be matched by $300,000 from the town.

STEAP, which is managed by the Office of Policy and Management, delivers grants to small towns for economic development, community conservation, and quality-of-life capital projects.

Monroe’s state delegation, including Rep. Tony Scott, R-112th, Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly, R-21st, and Senator Marilyn Moore, D-22nd, praised the decision to fund the town’s project.

“Funding for this project is a welcome and prudent investment in Monroe’s infrastructure,” Scott said. “State and town funds used for essential road projects such as these demonstrate how a solid partnership can better the lives of our residents.”

“I applaud the effort of town officials, our legislative delegation, and residents in advocating for important investments in Monroe’s infrastructure,” Kelly said. “STEAP grants are one way the state can help support small towns and our local investments in economic development, community conservation, and quality-of-life. I appreciate the state recognizing the value of this investment in Monroe.”

“Thank you to Governor Lamont for approving this funding that will be a huge benefit to drivers passing through Monroe,” Moore said. “The Old Zoar Road is well-traveled and the necessary improvements will allow for a safer commute for all motorists.”

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