Monroe Police Reports: So a duck walks into McDonald’s … | The Monroe Sun

Monroe Police Reports: So a duck walks into McDonald’s …

MONROE, CT — A man wearing a black tuxedo with a red bow tie and a duck mask walked into McDonald’s Sunday afternoon, but he wasn’t there to rob the restaurant at 390 Monroe Turnpike.

Someone called police, before the character bought his food and walked out.

Officers caught up to him and he explained how he makes TikTok videos to record people’s reactions to his antics. The video shooting incident occurred around 2:17 p.m.

Road rage gets physical

The following story includes first names to avoid confusion:

Police arrested two men following a road rage incident on Main Street that turned physical Sunday afternoon.

Just before 4:30 p.m., Timothy, 57, of Sandy Hook, was driving south on Main Street (Route 25), when he stopped and flipped on his left blinker to turn into a plaza.

Then two men, who were also driving south, passed his vehicle on the right. They claim Timothy suddenly started to move, sped up and cut them off.

Timothy said he stopped to turn left, noticed the business he was going to was closed, turned off his blinker and continued to head south when another vehicle passed him at a high rate of speed.

He told officers he responded by passing their vehicle, crossing the double yellow center line to do it.

The men in the other vehicle told police that, after cursing at them while passing their vehicle, Timothy followed them when they turned left onto Purdy Hill Road. The driver, Franciso, 49, of Monroe, told officers he turned on his blinker and pulled over, so Timothy wouldn’t follow him home.

Timothy told officers he stopped at a red light at the intersection with Route 25 and Purdy Hill Road, when Francisco’s vehicle pulled up alongside him to his left. Then he said Franciso opened his window and yelled at him.

Timothy said he told Francisco to pull into a nearby parking lot, Francisco turned left, and he followed them.

Both vehicles parked on the side street by Duchess restaurant and the men got out and started yelling at each other, police said.

Franciso told police that Timothy pushed his passenger, Ramon, 51, of New Milford, to the ground. Ramon told police he got up and the fight was on.

Timothy said Ramon hit him in the head twice and officers observed red marks on the left side of Timothy’s head, according to the report.

Ramon was charged with breach of peace in the second degree and third degree assault and Timothy was charged with breach of peace in the second degree. Both men were released on a promise to appear in court on March 26.

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