Monroe Police: One car crash knocks out power | The Monroe Sun

Monroe Police: One car crash knocks out power

Firefighters respond to a crash into a utility pole on Route 110 Sunday night. Monroe Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1 Photo

MONROE, CT — A one car crash into a utility pole at the intersection of Shelton and Old Tannery roads on Easter Sunday knocked out power to some homes when the collision cracked the pole and sent a transformer and power lines to the ground.

The driver, a 19-year-old Monroe woman, was trapped inside the vehicle and an extrication performed by firefighters got her out.

She was treated by Monroe Volunteer Emergency Medical Service personnel at the scene and taken to St. Vincent’s Medical Center with injuries, according to police.

Police are investigating the accident, which occurred around 10:11 p.m.

Police received a complaint about a blue 2021 Honda Civic traveling at a high rate of speed on Route 110 (Shelton Road) and an officer saw it speed by, heading west on Shelton Road, the report said.

The officer turned around to follow the car and noticed it had crashed.

Eversource was contacted about the power outage and damaged utility pole and the Honda was towed from the scene.

According to a Monroe Volunteer Fire Department No. 1 Facebook page post, traffic was closed in both directions for over hour during the emergency response.

Thieves run away

A Shelton Road man told police he saw three youths checking the doors of his vehicle, before running off on foot, heading east on Route 110, toward Shelton, Sunday night.

Police were unable to find the suspects.

The call came in around 10:57 p.m.

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