MONROE, CT — U.S. Postal carriers’ annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive has been postponed and a new date has yet to be announced, at a time when the global coronavirus pandemic has led to increased demand at food banks throughout the nation.
Jenna Linn, of Monroe, wants to fill the void in town with the 4 Mini Coopers Challenge, a community curbside food drive to benefit the Monroe food pantry. The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 16.

“At this time we now have four Mini Coopers to pick up donations,” Linn said. “This little group of enthusiasts are trying to make a difference, but we cannot do this alone. The challenge is to have 100 Monroe residents participate. There will be four Mini Coopers scooting all around town this Saturday afternoon collecting donations.”
Linn is asking residents to contact her directly through private messages on Facebook, give her their address, then leave a nonperishable food donation beside their mailbox before noon this Saturday.

“Please spread the word and tell your neighbors,” she said in a Facebook post. “We won’t hit our goal without your help.”
Henna Ali, director of Monroe Community & Social Services, said there has been an increase in demand at the Monroe Food Pantry, but a steady flow of donations have been meeting the needs of the families it serves.
The Monroe Food Pantry’s Facebook page always has an updated list of the items it needs, from canned vegetables to personal hygiene products.
Aside from Saturday’s food drive, those who want to make donations directly to the food pantry may leave nonperishable items in the bin to the left of the building at 980 Monroe Turnpike.
Those wishing to donate perishable items should call Director Kathleen Turner, 203-452-2817 or Ali, 203-452-2815 x4, to arrange a time to drop it off.
Stuff a Bus
The YMCA and Realty One Group are teaming up for another food drive benefiting the Monroe and Trumbull food pantries by stuffing a Y bus with donations. Organizers ask that people practice social distancing while leaving donations in the bin by the bus.
Donations of nonperishable food and cleaning supplies may be dropped off at the Realty One Group, 401 Monroe Turnpike e8, Monroe, on Thursday, May 14, 28 and June 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
These donations will benefit the Monroe Food Pantry.
Donations benefiting the Trumbull Food Pantry may be dropped off at 6200 Main St., Trumbull, on Thursday, May 21 and June 4 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.