NORTHFORD, CT — The Masuk High hockey team concluded the regular season with a 5-1 win over North Branford at Northford Ice Pavilion on Saturday afternoon.
Christian LaBella and Nick Kondub both scored twice and Luke Kondub added a goal. Luke Kondub, LaBella, Nick Kondub and James Cybart all had a pair of assists and Connor Kehlenbach added one assist. Goaltender Maddex LaFountain was solid in net.
Masuk finished regular season 13-7 (5-1 in the South-West Conference). The Panthers earned the No. 2 seed in the conference tournament and the is the No. 4 seed in the Division III State Tournament.
The Panthers will take on the Bethel-Brookfield-Danbury-

Regular-season stat leaders (goals, assists, and points):
Nick Kondub: 43g – 35a = 78pts
Luke Kondub: 14g – 52a = 66pts
Christian LaBella: 26g – 23a = 49pts
Ryan Ewald: 3g – 16a = 19pts
James Cybart: 2g – 12a = 14pts
Maddex LaFountain: 11 wins
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Great job Connor K! Proud of my grandson. Captain of state semifinalist Masuk Soccer team as well! Born leader of men!