Masuk golfers split a pair before rainout | The Monroe Sun

Masuk golfers split a pair before rainout

Brien Trimbach attempts a putt for Masuk.

Masuk High’s boys golf team won one and lost one, and was represented with the medalist in both matches, this week.

The Panthers traveled to River Oaks Country Club and defeated the New Fairfield Rebels 176-200 on Tuesday.

Brien Trimbach was medalist with a score of 36. AJ Michetti followed with a 45, AJ Cavanaugh had 46, and Quinn McGuire and Stephen Sentementes both carded a 49.

The Panthers fell 194-182 to visiting Newtown, at Whitney Farms Golf Course on Wednesday.

Trimbach again led the field with a 42. Michetti had a 49, Cavanaugh 51, McGuire 52 and Trey Migliariese 53.

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