Masuk boys soccer logs a win and a loss this week

Masuk Mom's Celebrate "Kick Pink Cancer Awareness" on Thursday.

MONROE, CT — The Masuk boys soccer team scored a win and a loss this week, and will go up against Bassik High School on Saturday..

The team played an away game vs. Joe Barlow on Tuesday. Down 2-0 at the half, Kasper Murzinski scored an exceptional goal narrowing the score to 2-1. Joel Barlow was able to hold off Masuk’s piercing offense leaving the Panthers with a respectful 8-2-1 record for the season.

On Thursday, October 12th, the Bunnell Bulldogs visited the Masuk Panthers at Benedict Stadium. In the past five games, the Bulldogs have comprised a 3-0-2 record with an impressive win over New Milford.
Thursday was the annual “Kick Pink Cancer Awareness Game.”  All proceeds raised from the game will go directly toward the ‘Hope and Strength Athlete Scholarship Fund’.

Kasper Murzinski started his monumental night with a free kick that resulted in the first score. Kasper then scored another tremendous goal elevating the Masuk lead to 2-0 at the half. Cash Dewey scored the third goal making the score, 3-0. Kasper Murzinski’s night was not done as he scored a third goal for a hat trick ending the contest at 4-1. This victory leaves the Masuk Panthers with a 9-2-1 record for the season.

Coach Brendan Cavanaugh was happy with his team’s performance on Thursday night. “I was very disappointed with how flat we came out against Barlow. Tonight vs Bunnell we came out flying.  Lots of energy and intensity were there the entire game. I am very happy and proud of the way the boys played tonight.  It was a great win against a very good Bunnell team” said Cavanaugh.

The next game for the Masuk Boys Soccer Team is vs. Bassik High school on Saturday  at 5:30 p.m. at the University of Bridgeport Knight Stadium.

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