MASBC’s Golf Outing offers an opportunity to support Masuk athletes | The Monroe Sun

MASBC’s Golf Outing offers an opportunity to support Masuk athletes

Monroe Little Leaguers use Masuk's new batting cages at a baseball clinic. The cages are a gift from the Masuk All Sports Booster Club.

MONROE, CT — Masuk High School’s baseball and softball teams are getting into the swing of things early this spring. The girls recently belted three homers, including a grand slam, in a 13-0 mercy rule victory over Fairfield Warde; and clutch hitting helped the boys rally from a 4-1 deficit to defeat Ridgefield 5-4.

New batting cages in the auxiliary gym are helping players on both teams to hone their swings and Masuk’s new athletic director, Brian Hourigan, recently used to cages while leading a preseason clinic for Monroe Little Leaguers.

The batting cages are the most recent addition from the Masuk All Sports Booster Club, which donated the equipment to Masuk High School’s athletic program. Jason Batch, a member of the club, said the school’s older cages were harder to take down and set up, so the auxiliary gym could not be used by other athletes when the cages were up.

Hourigan, who is also Masuk’s baseball coach, wrote a thank you note on behalf of his team, “the Masuk All Sports Booster Club (MASBC) does amazing work helping all athletic teams at Masuk. From helping programs with purchases like this, to providing awards for student athletes, to scholarships, the MASBC is a great organization.” 

“Coaches submit a request to the athletic director, who sees what we can get in the athletic department’s budget,” Batch said. If the school cannot provide something that will benefit multiple sports, the director brings it to the booster club to raise the money, Batch explained.

The MASBC is a volunteer organization comprised of parents of high school athletes who volunteer their time to raise funds to support Masuk’s sports teams and athletes. The organization pays for major awards, varsity letters and the banners that hang from the rafters inside the school gym in recognition of All-State athletes and State and Conference Championships.

Chris Yeager is the MASBC’s president.

Batch said the MASBC funds medium size projects, but also strives to assist on larger projects. One ambitious future goal is the expansion and updating of the fitness facility at Masuk, following the plan of former athletic director, Craig Semple.

Masuk players celebrate one of the team’s three homers in a win over Fairfield Warde.

Batch’s wife Stephanie, vice president of the MASBC, volunteers her time running the concession stand for Masuk’s home games to raise money for the booster club, but its main fundraiser is the annual MASBC Golf Outing at Whitney Farms Golf Club, 175 Shelton Road in Monroe.

Jason Batch is co-chairing this year’s 18-hole golf tournament with Fran Welch. It is scheduled to be held on June 19 after a one year hiatus.

The tournament has various contests, food, beverages and an open bar. Masuk coaches and teams donate gift baskets that are raffled off and there are silent auctions for other prizes. Batch said the organizers try to ensure every golfer leaves with something.

The tournament benefits from the generosity of businesses and individuals who sponsor the event. Perks for sponsors include ad space in the event booklet and signage around the golf course. The biggest donors have their signs prominently displayed along a fence.

The early bird registration for players and sponsors ends on April 15. For information, to donate, be a sponsor or register, click here.

It is $225 for a single golfer and $900 for a foursome. Golfer’s must be age 21 or older. A variety of sponsorships are available for businesses.

The tournament always needs more volunteers. To volunteer, email Jason Batch and Fran Welch at

“It’s always a great event and it’s a lot of fun. It sells out every year,” Batch said of the Golf Outing. “The last time, we were six weeks out and my wife said, ‘I don’t think we’ll have enough sponsors and players.’ I went to businesses and handed out fliers. The businesses came and people started signing up. A lot of it is word of mouth. It’s always a scramble.”

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