Kellogg: Studying apartments’ impact on schools the prudent thing to do | The Monroe Sun

Kellogg: Studying apartments’ impact on schools the prudent thing to do

Ken Kellogg served as Monroe's first selectman for the past six years.

A developer plans to build commercial buildings with up to 50 apartments on the Monroe-Trumbull border and the Planning & Zoning Commission is considering guidelines for these types of mixed use developments.

First Selectman Ken Kellogg says he asked the Board of Education to make the impact of mixed use developments part of its demographics study of future student enrollment to determine how it could affect the school system.

The school board voted to fund an $11,500 study at its meeting Tuesday, but not without some members questioning the accuracy of such studies.

While acknowledging it’s not an exact science, Kellogg contends the margin of error is not significant. “I think the more information, the better,” he said Friday. “It seems like the prudent thing to do.”

The first selectman expressed his hope the demographics study could measure the potential impact of mixed use developments on the school system, as well as inform the Planning & Zoning Commission as its members deliberate over mixed use regulations.

Kellogg said he has a good relationship with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jack Zamary, who he had asked to include mixed use developments in a demographics study.

While discussing mixed use developments with the Economic Development Commission and developers who are eager to do these types of projects in town, Kellogg said it would have been irresponsible of him not to notify the Board of Education.

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