Kellogg: Monroe does not need universal mask requirements at this time | The Monroe Sun

Kellogg: Monroe does not need universal mask requirements at this time

Monroe Town Hall is at 7 Fan Hill Road in Monroe. Photo by John Babina

MONROE, CT — Gov. Ned Lamont issued an executive order allowing town-by-town universal mask requirements. However, due to low levels of COVID-19 transmission in Monroe, First Selectman Ken Kellogg says there is no need for the town to exceed state requirements at this time.

As case rates are increasing throughout the state, Kellogg said Monroe is currently averaging just over one new case per day, putting it in the yellow category, the lowest threat level according to the Connecticut Department of Public Health’s color coded map.

“The entire Emergency Management Team, including the Monroe Health Department, continue to monitor the situation very closely,” Kellogg said in a pandemic update sent out Thursday night.

As of Thursday’s report, Monroe has had 1,454 cases, and 16 deaths, since the start of the pandemic.

Over 63 percent of all Monroe residents are fully vaccinated, according to Kellogg, who encourages those who are not to visit the town website for links on available vaccination clinics.

All individuals who are 12-years-of-age or older and live, work or attend school in Connecticut are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, he said.

State mask policy

The statewide mask policy that remains in effect is as follows:

    • Masks are not required while outdoors.
    • Individuals who are fully vaccinated are recommended to wear a mask in indoor public spaces based upon CDC guidelines and the level of transmission in Fairfield County. However, masking is not mandated at this time.
    • Unvaccinated individuals must wear masks indoors in all public spaces.
    • Masks are required to be worn by everyone in certain settings such as healthcare facilities, facilities housing vulnerable populations, public and private transit, correctional facilities, schools, and childcare.
    • Businesses continue have the option to require masks to be worn by everyone in their establishments.

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