Investigation into theft of credit cards, a Jeep, ensnares three teens

MONROE, CT — Three male teenagers from Bridgeport are scheduled to appear in juvenile court on July 8 to answer to charges stemming from the theft of a Jeep Grand Cherokee in Monroe, as well as thefts from vehicles and fraudulent credit card charges.

Police said the investigation is still underway.

On May 15, a 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee was reported stolen from Meadow Brook Drive sometime overnight. Police also received complaints of vehicles entered on Johnson Place. Among the stolen items were credit cards.

Later that day, city officers recovered the stolen vehicle on Columbia Street in Bridgeport.

Monroe police identified the three juvenile suspects from surveillance camera footage at a town gas station, where fraudulent charges were made on one of the stolen credit cards, according to the report.

The ages of the juveniles were 15, 16 and 17.

All three were issued juvenile summonses for first degree larceny and conspiracy to commit first degree larceny. The 15- and 17-year-olds were charged on June 5.

The 16-year-old, who was issued a misdemeanor summons on June 9, was also linked to an incident reported on May 23, in which several unlocked cars were entered on Moose Hill Road sometime overnight.

Police said they identified him when fraudulent charges were made on stolen credit cards. He was also charged with credit card theft, sixth degree larceny and two counts of illegal use of a credit card.

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