GOP nominates Scott for another term representing Connecticut’s 112th District

State Rep. Tony Scott, R-112th, speaks after being nominated to run for a third consecutive term.

MONROE, CT — State Rep. Tony Scott, R-112th, received his party’s unanimous nomination in his bid to seek a third consecutive term during the Republican Party Convention at Monroe Town Hall Thursday evening.

Ryan Condon, chairman of the Monroe Republican Town Committee, made the motion to nominate Scott. Ryan recalled a recent town event where he said politicians could usually be found shaking hands and participating in photo ops.

“But Tony wasn’t posing for pictures,” Condon said. “He was taking the opportunity to ask the chiefs of Monroe’s EMS, fire and police what he could do for them at the Capitol. Plenty of politicians do the work. Tony pursues the work. He doesn’t just sit back and wait for the issues to come to him. This is why I nominate for endorsement at this convention: Tony Scott.”

David Ferris, a fellow Monroe RTC member, seconded the endorsement.

Tony Scott was nominated at the Republican Convention by a 9-0 vote Thursday.

“I’m honored to make this second, because Tony has delivered results from his very first session,” Ferris said. “He has made a difference for his constituents, be it for their personal or their business endeavors. Tony cares, is an accomplished legislator, and we’re lucky to have him as our representative.”

Scott said he was humbled by the endorsement and expressed his gratitude to Condon, Ferris and the entire delegation.

At the Capitol, Democrats hold a 98-53 majority, putting Republicans at a big disadvantage, according to Scott.

“We’re playing a lot of defense up there. We have to try to fight those battles as much as possible,” Scott said. “As a ranking member on the Housing Committee, I have to deal with a lot of things around local control.”

Instead of locally elected land use boards making decisions in the best interests of their towns, he said Hartford is pushing its own agenda on municipalities.

Scott also railed against unfunded mandates, such as new early voting rules this year, a large portion of which the towns have to pay for themselves, he said.

Now cameras have to be out on each voting box in the district, Scott said, adding, “the state is not pitching in any money. It’s going to be on us to fund. Our tax dollars. It’s going to be our mill rate going up, because of that. We need to keep fighting that.”

“Lastly, I’m going to fight for education,” Scott said.

The state legislator said American Rescue Plan funds are not being used for what it was meant to be spent on. Scott said the Legislature gave $160 million to the universities, including $80 million to UConn.

He said UConn’s athletic program loses over $40 million a year and the $80 million in ARPA money subsidized the school, which will likely ask for another $80 million again next year.

Scott said there is a $40 million to $50 million hole from the ECS funds the state promised to Connecticut’s 169 municipalities — putting pressure on Monroe First Selectman Terry Rooney and Board of Education Chairman David Ferris at budget time, as well as leaders of other towns and cities.

Scott said the state could have used $50 million in ARPA funds to make the municipalities whole and could have still had $110 million left over for the universities.

He asked delegates to not only think about helping him to be reelected, but to also support other Republican candidates running for positions across the state.

On Thursday, nine delegates, eight from Monroe and one from Easton, all voted for Scott and there were no other nominations. One Trumbull delegate could not make the event and did not send an alternate in her place.

Former first selectman Ken Kellogg served as chairman of the convention and Elizabeth Edgerton served as secretary.

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1 Comment

  1. State Rep Scott,

    Looking forward to your continued excellent work Representing Monroe and Trumbull!

    Best regards,
    Sean O’Rourke

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