Free school lunches available for all Monroe residents age 18, younger | The Monroe Sun

Free school lunches available for all Monroe residents age 18, younger

The following is a letter from Monroe public schools to families about the free school lunch program.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

For the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year, the National School Lunch Program will provide breakfast and lunch for all children through the age of 18 who live in Monroe at no cost.

This includes pre-school age children and any child up to the age of 18 living in Monroe, whether or not they attend school in the Monroe School District.As Masuk High School is not currently on the National School Lunch Program, payment will be required for food purchased in the high school cafeteria.

Breakfast and lunch will continue to be provided to all students daily. On Tuesdays, all elementary students and those middle and high school students who have opted for four days of in-person instruction will receive a bagged breakfast and lunch for Wednesday as everyone will continue to be learning remotely.

All Jockey Hollow Main Campus, STEM, and Masuk students choosing Cohort B will receive a bagged breakfast and lunch on Fridays  for Monday-Wednesday of the coming week and similarly Cohort A will receive a bagged breakfast and lunch on Tuesdays for Wednesday – Friday. Cohort B students will receive these meals today for the coming week due to the winter break. 

All Monroe children through the age of 18, including children that attend the Monroe Preschool Program as well as any fully remote or quarantined students, will continue to have the opportunity to order and pick-up lunches at Fawn Hollow using the order form at the following link, click here for order form for the week of February 16, 2021 through Feb. 19, 2021. Please complete the form by Friday, February 12, 2021, 12 noon. Due to the winter break, pick-up at Fawn Hollow will take place on Tuesday, February 16th and Thursday, Feb. 18 from 7:15 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.

There will be no charge for the meals. Providing meals to all students is advantageous to the school district and our food service provider as the National School Lunch Program is subsidizing the cost and reimbursing the school and food service provider thus diminishing the cost of cafeteria operations to the school district.

Lunch Menu K-12

The menu for each day can be found by clicking this link,

If you wish to opt out of receiving free meals, please click here

For questions regarding lunches, please email John Hoyt, General Manager-Food Service.

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