MONROE, CT — Monroe’s new first selectman, Terry Rooney, will be among the town’s municipal candidates to be sworn in at an inauguration ceremony in the Council Chambers of Monroe Town Hall this Monday at 7 p.m.
Rooney will fill the seat of fellow Republican, Ken Kellogg, who decided not to seek a fourth consecutive term.
Other candidates winning positions and seats on town boards and commissions were:
Town Council: Republicans Sean O’Rourke, Enid Lipeles, Kevin Reid, Dona-Lyn Wales, Vincent A. Duva and Jonathan Formichella; and Democrats Jason Maur, Cathy Kohut and Janice Persico.
Town Treasurer Frank Dutches (R)
Tax Collector Deborah Heim (R)
Town Clerk Vida Stone (R)
Board of Finance: Republicans Nicholas Sentementes, Katherine Stauffer and Rebecca O’Donnell; and Democrats Steve Kirsch and Samantha Spino, who is filling a board vacancy.
Board of Education: Republicans Greg Beno and David H. Ferris Jr.; and Democrats Chrissy Fensore Martinez and Alan Vaglivelo.
Planning and Zoning Commission: Republicans Ryan Condon and Bruno Maini; and Democrat Leon Ambrosey.
Planning and Zoning Alternates: Republicans Nicole Lupo and Dominic Smeraglino III; and Democrat Domenic Paniccia.
Constables: Vic Yanosy (R) and Pat Tomchik (D)
Women’s Club Tree Lighting
The Monroe Women’s Club is hosting its 20th annual Christmas Tree Lighting at the Town Hall gazebo, 7 Fan Hill Road, this Saturday, Dec. 2, at 5 p.m. The rain date is Sunday.
The Masuk Choir and Band and the Harmony on the Sound Chorus will perform Christmas carols and children will enjoy a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, who will arrive on a fire truck. The North Pole couple will help light up the Christmas tree.
Hot chocolate and cookies will be available.
Stepney Tree Lighting
The annual Tree Lighting on Stepney Green, at the corner of Green Street and Main Street (Route 25) will be held this Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7 p.m.
Frosty The Snowman will arrive on a Stepney Fire Truck to greet all the children and will light the Holiday Tree.
This annual event is sponsored by the Save Our Stepney Task Force.
Monroe Historical Society Fair
The Monroe Historical Society will host its annual Christmas Fair at the East Village/Barn Hill Methodist Meeting House, 433 Barn Hill Road, this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Dec. 1, 2 and 3) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
The sale promises to have something for everyone with a wide variety of new and donated ornaments and decorations, baked goods, and a sampling of Monroe Historical Society collectibles. Vintage items will also be available. Most items are under $5.
This is the Society’s largest fundraiser of the year. All proceeds fund programs and the maintenance of Monroe Historical Society properties.
For information, call 203-261-1383.
The Red Sneaker Fund

The Pyramid Shriners recently conducted its sixth annual fall fundraising event at Rite Aid Pharmacy in Monroe, when members distributed informational pamphlets and coloring books about Shriner’s Hospital for Children.
Donations collected will help children of families in need to receive excellent medical care through The Red Sneaker Fund.
The Red Sneaker Fund, which was established at the Pyramid Shrine Temple in 1973, provides financial support for research aimed at finding improved treatments and techniques for children with burn injuries at the Shriner’s Hospital.
Turkey donations
ConnexCares donated 25 frozen turkeys and made a $2,000 in-kind donation to Connecticut Foodshare as part of its annual Stuff-a-Bus campaign, which provides Thanksgiving meals to families in need across the state.
ConnexCares is an initiative by Connex Credit Union, which has a location at 155 Main St. in Monroe.
Holiday Festival Merry & Bright
NEWTOWN, CT — The 38th Annual Holiday Festival Merry & Bright benefiting Newtown Youth and Family Services will be held Sunday, Dec. 3, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This event is fun for all ages and is centered along Main Street in Newtown. To see the event flier, click here.
NYFS is a nonprofit youth service bureau and mental health clinic committed to providing high quality human health services to promote individual and community wellness to 41 towns.
Specialized services include: outpatient individual, couples, and family counseling, substance abuse treatment services, autism and social skills programs, prevention initiatives, and support groups.
Stratford Animal Rescue
STRATFORD, CT — Stratford Animal Rescue Society’s annual Holiday Evergreen Fundraiser benefiting animals impounded at the shelter will be held at Stratford Animal Control, 225 Beacon Point Road in Stratford, on Dec. 2 and 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The sale will include wreaths, cemetery pieces, roping and kissing balls, and a boutique will be available with goods for animals and people.
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