MONROE, CT — Students from the Studio D dance class hold a grab bag exchange with each other every year, but this year the girls decided to use the money to help families in need in Monroe, Trumbull and Shelton this holiday season.
Each dance family purchased nonperishable food and gifts of small clothing.
“This act of giving gave all of our students a special feeling by choosing to give back instead of exchanging gifts with one another,” said Dona Wassell, owner of Studio D. “They were able to make a big difference with just a small gesture.”
“What a special way to celebrate this holiday season with our dance students and their extra love to ‘give back,’” she said. “We are so proud of them and are still collecting donations, if anyone else is interested in giving back as well. “
Those interested in making a donation can call the studio at 203-445-8090 or send an email to [email protected]. Studio D is located at 380 Monroe Turnpike in Monroe.
Menorah lighting
Chabad Lubavitch of Southern Connecticut invites the entire community to its annual Chanukah Menorah Lighting in Monroe this Wednesday, Dec. 21, at the green in front of Town Hall at 6 p.m.
There will be fresh donuts, hot chocolate, music, gelt, dreidels, and raffle prizes for children, menorahs, candles and more.
For information on other Menorah lightings in Southern Connecticut, call 203-268-7700.
Lodge donations

Washington Lodge #19 presented two donations to the town of Monroe on Monday, Dec. 12, benefitting Project Warmth and the Monroe Food Pantry.
Worshipful Master David Gianetti and Fellowcraft Club Secretary Roy Nealon presented a $1,500 check to Kim Cassia, the town’s director of Community and Social Services, with $500 going to the Monroe Food Pantry and $1,000 for Project Warmth.
Pyramid Shriners support The Red Sneaker Fund

Pyramid Shriners recently held a fundraiser benefiting children in need at Rite Aid pharmacy in Monroe, when they distributed informational pamphlets and coloring books about the Shriner’s Hospital for Children.
Proceeds from donations that were collected will be used to ensure children receive medical care through The Red Sneaker Fund, according to Donald M. Casey Jr., a Shriner.
The fund provides financial support for research aimed at finding improved treatments and techniques for children with burn injuries at the Shriner’s Hospital.