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Two police officers stop by to support a fundraiser for The Wolfe's Den Playground. Children in the photo are, from left, Luka Savic, 11, Sasha Abraham, 8, Isabella Lupo, 9, Amanda Savic, 6, Adriana Lupo, 12, and Vera Savic, 8.

MONROE, CT — A group of children on Hawley Lane decided to set up a lemonade stand to raise money for The Wolfe’s Den Playground project at Wolfe Park one recent Saturday. The kids sold cups of lemonade from 1 to 8 p.m., raising $345 for the cause.

The lemonade was free for front line workers, police officers and Amazon and FedEx drivers, but Nicole Lupo, whose two children participated in the effort, said they still chose to donate to the cause.

“Five different police officers came by and they were extremely supportive,” she said.

The money will be donated to the Monroe Playground Foundation, but Lupo said the children are planning to sell lemonade again this summer in hopes of raising enough money to buy a piece of playground equipment.

Running a lemonade stand in their neighborhood are, from left, Darla Kuban, 8, Maya Abraham, 10, Isabella Lupo, 9, and Sasha Abraham, 8.

Lupo, who serves as an alternate member of the Planning and Zoning Commission in town, said the neighborhood children had run a lemonade stand before, donating $125 to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital.

Participants in the lemonade stand were Lupo’s children, Adriana, 12, and Isabella, 9, Darla Kuban 8, Sasha Abraham 8, Amanda Savic 6, Vera Savic 8, Maya Abraham 10, Ruby Kuban 11, and Luka Savic 11.

“All of our kids love going to the park to play on the playground, play sports, listen to the concerts, and learning they wanted to donate the money to help rebuild the playground was awesome,” Lupo said. “It’s pretty cool that at their ages they have learned the importance of giving back to the community. They are excited to plan the next one!”

Help Wanted: Water Safety Instructors

The Monroe Parks and Recreation Department is seeking certified Water Safety Instructors to teach group youth and adult swimming lessons at its indoor pool location at Masuk High School.

The part-time positions offer flexible schedules. Those who are interested may download a job application from the department’s website and submit it with their valid certifications in an email to parksandrec@monroect.org. Candidates may also call the Monroe Parks and Recreation Department at 203-452-2806 for further details.

Monroe students excel in Maine

Three Monroe residents made the Dean’s List in recognition of their work as students at the University of Maine.

Congratulations to Alexei Hickey, Elizabeth Schnaitmann and Peter Zacchilli.

Connecticut Housing Partners awarded COVID relief grant

Connecticut Housing Partners, which has approval to build affordable senior housing on Main Street in Monroe, received a $10,000 COVID Relief Resiliency Grant from the United Way of Western Connecticut.

The money will be used for CHP’s Rent Bank, Rental Assistance Program.

“We are thrilled to have been awarded this vital funding from the United Way of Western Connecticut,” said Renée Dobos, CEO of CHP. “COVID-19 continues to create a dire financial crisis for many of our low-income residents who have lost their jobs and they are now unable to pay their rent. We want to do everything we can during this crisis not to evict these residents and prevent homelessness.”

The CHP Rent Bank was created to assist residents through unexpected financial hardships. Through the Rent Bank, CHP offers temporary subsidized rent relief for low-income seniors and families in CHP properties who cannot pay their rent.

“Our Rent Bank Rental Assistance Program has become a ‘lifeline’ for many of our struggling residents, with ‘no strings attached,’ and it does not have to be paid back,” Dobos said.

CHP will also  identify support services in the community that these residents can reach out to for job placement and educate residents about solutions to financial hardships.

CHP is continually reaching out to business partners and foundations to support the Rent Bank to keep it funded so it is available to keep a roof over the heads of struggling residents. Since the start of the pandemic, CHP has assisted 75 households to remain safely housed.

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