Paintings, photos and drawings are among the mediums that will be on display at Masuk High School during the 7th annual daVinci Festival, an art show featuring the works of Monroe students in grades k-12, representing all of Monroe’s schools, this Friday and Saturday.
On Friday, visitors can also enjoy live entertainment with musical performances throughout the day and robotics demonstrations, along with works produced in construction tech. Culinary students will prepare hors d’oeuvres and sweets.
“This is really about those career tech and arts areas that should be celebrated,” Masuk Assistant Principal Ian Lowell said in an interview Tuesday.

The daVinci Festival will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m on Saturday.
The show will include high school visual arts displayed on video screens in the auxiliary gym. The screens were purchased for an AP art class, using a STEM grant.
“These are becoming viable career options, encouraging media and how that is being monetized,” said Michael Crowley, director of instruction for Monroe Public Schools. “Art teachers are asking for these screens. You will see that evolution this weekend.”
The musical ensembles will be in the main gym on Friday, with performances scheduled throughout the day. Visual arts for grades k-8 with also be there.
The robotics program demonstrations will be set up in the cafeteria, along with arts and tech displays.
Photos and artwork will hang from Masuk’s hallways and students will serve as docents, giving visitors guided tours.

Lowell said the festival is an opportunity for students in tech ed, robotics and the arts to shine. Both he and Crowley expressed excitement over the event coming back after a four year hiatus. The daVinci Festival was last held in 2019, before large gatherings were discouraged at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s always had a huge response from the community,” Crowley said of the annual event, “and we want to see people coming out to Masuk to see what our kids are doing in school.”
“This was a hub of activity and we’re getting back to that,” Lowell said of Masuk. “First it was plays and athletics, now it’s time for the arts and technology.”
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