MONROE, CT — Drivers for the 4 Mini Coopers Challenge picked up curbside food donations for the Monroe Food Pantry at 81 addresses in town on Saturday.
“It truly was a group effort,” said Jenna Linn, of Monroe. “I am so proud to announce, through all of our collective efforts, this group of Mini Cooper enthusiasts was able to motor the donations of 81 residences to the Monroe Food Pantry. A wee bit shy of our goal, but pretty close!”

Linn and other organizers’ goal was to receive 100 addresses from residents wishing to leave a donation beside their mailbox.
As of Wednesday, the food drive only had about 20 addresses with two days to go before the Saturday pickups. Linn said an email with a flyer distributed through School Messenger generated a huge response, raising the number to 81 locations.
“Without the school district’s help, we would not have been so successful,” Linn said. “I am so grateful! At the end of the day we all had a great time,” she added of Saturday’s event. “And a member of our community challenged the Mini Team to do this again and hit 100.”