MONROE, CT — Large plastic bags of clothing, linens and other donated materials filled a truck in the Monroe Town Hall parking lot during an Earth Day Textile Recycling Event Saturday.
Conservation and Water Resources Commission Chair Barbara Thomas and commissioners Karen Burnaska and Samantha Spino collected donations for four hours.
Burnaska said close to 50 residents stopped by with donations. The women gave away Pollinator Pathway seed packets at the event, which was co-sponsored by the commission and Monroe’s Economic Development Department, in conjunction with Bay State Textiles.

For those who missed the event, permanent textile recycling bins are located behind Edith Wheeler Memorial Library and at the Garder Road landfill.
Every year, 25 billion pounds of textiles are thrown away in the United States, 45 percent can be reused, 30 percent can be turned into wiping cloths, and 20 percent can be recycled into new products. Turning this problem around can start in your community with recycling bins.
All clothing and home linen textiles will be accepted in any condition. But the town will not accept mattresses and pads, carpet remnants and furniture upholstery. For a complete list of acceptable items, click here.