MONROE, CT — American Farmland Trust, a farmland coalition, is hosting an online contest for the Best Farmers’ Market and, so far, the Monroe Farmers’ Market leads in the Northeast.
First Prize is $2,500 with national recognition and more, Second is $1,500 and Third is $1,000.
To vote, click here to visit the “Monroe Farmers Market” page. It will ask for your name and email address. Then click “Vote.”
As of Friday evening, Monroe had 705 votes, Duke Farms Market, Hillsburough, N.J., had 642; Westport Farmers’ Market 466; Ithaca Farmers’ Market, Ithaca, N.Y., 416, and Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market, Troy, N.Y., had 365.
Voting ends on Sept. 19, 2021.
Photos from Friday’s market: