MONROE, —- Monroe’s namesake, the late President James Monroe, read “Twas the Night Before Christmas” on Stepney Green with help from his wife, Elizabeth, and the Just Voices Singers filled the chilly Sunday night air with holiday music.
The biggest highlight of the Save Our Stepney Task Force’s annual tree lighting ceremony was the arrival of Frosty the Snowman on a Stepney fire truck. Moments later, Frosty helped lead the countdown for the lighting of the tree.
First Selectman Ken Kellogg welcomed the crowd at the start of the ceremony.
The Pyramid Shrine Temple “Klowns” made balloon animals for children, some who had their pictures taken behind the wheel of a Shriner Motor Patrol car, and Monroe Boy Scout Troop 62 served fresh made doughnuts to families.
The Rev. Kevin Merritt, senior pastor of Stepney Baptist Church, invited everyone to a carol sing in the church immediately following the tree lighting.
It was a very nice and festive event. Well done SOSTF.