Tree lightings, fairs among Monroe Christmas events this weekend | The Monroe Sun

Tree lightings, fairs among Monroe Christmas events this weekend

The Monroe Historical Society's annual Christmas Fair is being held at the historic East Village Meeting House, 433 Barn Hill Road.
Decorative runner sleds are among the variety of items at the Christmas fair.

MONROE, CT — Christmas ornaments, old fashioned runner sleds, baked goods, toys and figurines are among the items on display inside the East Village Meeting House, 433 Barn Hill Road, for the Monroe Historical Society’s annual Christmas Fair.

Parking spaces filled up around the property on opening day Friday morning, and a long line of shoppers waited to pay for their finds inside.

Michele Nilan, a former Monroe resident who now lives in Shelton, checked out a table of ornaments.

“I come every year normally,” she said. “I buy little decorative ornaments to add to gifts. One year I bought a sled that I love. I use it as a decoration outside. And I get the English muffin bread every year if they have it.”

Nilan was in luck, a loaf of English muffin bread was among the cookies and other baked goods on a nearby table.

The Historical Society’s fair is also open Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

“On Sunday everything will be half price,” said Mary Kellogg, a volunteer.

Joel Leneker, of Monroe, held a large ribbon with bells in one hand, while walking through an aisle.

“I try to support the Monroe Historical Society every year,” Leneker said. “They do a fantastic job with good, quality holiday items for people’s homes. I also love that they have it at the Meeting House, which is my favorite of the three buildings they own.”

In addition to the East Village Meeting House, the Monroe Historical Society owns the Barn Hill-East Village Schoolhouse at 311 Wheeler Road and the Eliot Beardsley Homestead at 31 Great Ring Road.

Monroe has a full lineup of holiday events this weekend, including:

The Monroe Women’s Club’s Annual Tree Lighting, at the town green at the corner of Fan Hill Road and Church Street, this Saturday at 5 p.m. Come for an evening of hot cocoa, coffee and cookies, music by the Masuk Band and Choir and songs by the Harmony on the Sound Chorus. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive by fire truck for the tree lighting.

Rain Date: Sunday, Dec. 8, at 5 p.m.

The Save Our Stepney Annual Tree Lighting with Frosty on Stepney Green, corner of Pepper and Green streets, this Saturday at 7 p.m. The evening typically features Christmas carols, doughnuts and cider served by Boy Scouts and a reading of “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” before Stepney firefighters escort Frosty the Snowman to the green aboard a fire truck and he helps with the countdown for the tree lighting.

Immediately following the tree lighting, everyone is invited to Stepney Baptist Church across the street, 423 Main St., for a candlelight carol sing.

St. Peter’s Grace Episcopal Church, 175 Old Tannery Road, will host its annual Holly Fair this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event features Grandma’s Attic tag sale, craft vendors, a cookie walk, raffles and more.

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