Town receives over $62,000 in equity distribution from CIRMA | The Monroe Sun

Town receives over $62,000 in equity distribution from CIRMA

First Selectman Ken Kellogg received an oversized check from Colleen P. White, senior underwriter for CIRMA, and Fiona Porto, vice president of underwriting. Contributed

The Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency presented First Selectman Ken Kellogg with a check for $62,255 for Monroe’s prorated share of CIRMA’s $5 million members’ equity distribution for 2019.

The town and the Board of Education received $359,720 in distributed members’ equity since the program began in 2011.

“We have had a great relationship,” said Kellogg in a news release. “CIRMA is an outstanding example of one of the ways we work to contain costs by leveraging the power of multiple municipalities working together.”

This is CIRMA’s eighth distribution of members’ equity made in the past nine years, for a grand total of nearly $30 million across its entire membership.

David Demchak, CIRMA’s president and chief executive officer, said, “the partnership and risk management efforts of our members are a sustaining force behind CIRMA’s outstanding financial strength, growth in service programs, and our ability to deliver a members’ equity distribution program. Working together, we are making our communities better and safer places to live, learn and work in.”

With 371 members, CIRMA is the leading provider of Workers’ Compensation and Liability and Property coverage to local public entities in Connecticut.

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