Tony Scott is the only rational choice as our representative in Hartford

To the Editor,

Every two years, our community has the opportunity to select an individual to represent our values as a community in Hartford as our state representative. Ultimately, that person is our voice on the critical issues of today.

As the cost of electricity increases and our state government creates more and more unfunded mandates, Monroe requires a representative that will fight for affordability. That representative is Tony Scott.

Tony has been at the forefront of fighting against rising household expenses, like those seen in our electric bills. Tony advocated for the use of unused American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to cover some of the cost of the public benefits portion of our electric bills. Common sense solutions like this make Tony a great advocate for taxpayers.

Further, Tony has been a tireless advocate for the people of Monroe and has fought against the unfunded mandates forced upon the town we call home. The cumulative financial impact of these unfunded mandates drives up the cost of education. Tony has been a consistent voice against these mandates.

Tony Scott is the only rational choice to be our representative in Hartford. He is focused on the real issue of today, affordability. I hope you will join me in supporting him through your vote.


Jonathan Formichella

Chairman of the Monroe Town Council

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