Stepney Elementary School staff helped children get to their classes Friday morning.

Stepney Elementary School students dance into the new year


Stepney Elementary School staff reflected on the first day of school, while greeting children for day two Friday morning.

“It was awesome,” said Ashley Krajeski, a multilingual learner teacher for grades K to 5. “We started out the morning here with music on and we danced in the school year — and Sparky was here,” she added of the popular Dalmatian.

“It was a great first day, a lot of excitement, a lot of smiles,” said Kelly Pecca, a library media specialist.

Principal Ashley Furnari said everything went smoothly from start to finish.

“The buses arrived on time, lunch and recess was really great and dismissal was smooth,” she said. “Kids got to where they needed to go. They were happy, they were safe, it was a great day. I think everybody was happy to be back.”

Superintendent of Schools Joseph Kobza visited Stepney Friday morning and walked through its hallways before the buses arrived.

“This building probably had the most work done this summer,” he said. “They really did a tremendous job.”

Hallway walls received fresh coats of white paint and the trim was painted black. Kobza said some of the work remains to be done, adding the old green color on some of the trim will be painted during a break this year to finish the job.

“The black and white kind of pops out,” Kobza said.

Stepney Elementary School’s lobby by the front entrance was among the areas maintenance staff painted over the summer.

He walked into the library, where ceiling tiles were replaced and the metal supports and air vents were touched up with white paint.

The Stepney media center will welcome classes into their space next week. “We’re excited to get the kids in there now that it’s fresh and clean and organized,” Pecca said.

The windows overlook the playground outside, where Kobza said a microburst earlier in the year took down trees in the woods surrounding the property.

“Luckily the trees missed the playground,” he said.

The superintendent said landscaping was done since then, clearing away felled trees around the perimeter of the property.

“We have beautiful arborvitaes,” Furnari said of a row that was planted. “We have a recess shed for equipment. We had a lot of maintenance in the building. The kids were proud of what was done over the summer. Our maintenance and facilities crew were incredible. I would say it was a great team effort to paint the building, and we have some new desks.”

Principal Ashley Furnari helps two students arriving to school Friday morning.

Furnari said Stepney’s central message this year is: “I am human. I am a work in progress, striving to be the best version of ME.”

The school’s focus will be on inspiring students to recognize their potential and embrace self-improvement.

“Monroe is a special place to live, learn, and grow,” Furnari said.

All three elementary schools’ staff participated in a group reading of a book set to video and shared with families. Stepney’s book was “I Am Human” by Susan Verde. The video is included in the photo gallery below.

Gallery 1 (contributed photos):

Day 2 photos:

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