To the Editor,
I love our community. I am protective of our children, our elders, and our future. Regardless of political leanings, especially those of us who fall somewhere in the middle, I’m confident we mostly want the same things. We find common ground, we help each other, we build community.
Now, I’m sure everyone has noticed the starkly divisive “us against the Democrats” comments so prevalent in Scott’s campaign. That seems to be his entire platform. Meanwhile, notice Nick is continually inviting questions via all channels, speaking to ALL of us. Working for ALL of us. His responses to questions are clear, intelligent, and well-thought out because he is smart and capable, and he cares. Liberal, conservative, Democrat, Independent or Republican. We are his people, and he’s already fighting for us.
Nick’s credentials are impressive by any stretch. They include college professor, vice president of operations at an engineering firm, and member of the Monroe Board of Education. In these positions, Nick has consistently demonstrated his bipartisan approach, his ability to work with others of all perspectives, to solve complex problems, and speak to everyone. Not just those of his party.
Recent letters to the editor have exposed a few extremely emotionally driven perspectives peppered with unfounded accusations toward Nick. We all know that conspiracy theories, fear mongering, shallow thinking and divisive rhetoric have plagued our entire country for far too long. That’s not a platform, it’s a disease. We need to heal from it to forge ahead.
I would challenge anyone reading this to stop and think for a moment. Step away from the labels. Break free from the divisive rhetoric. Be an individual voice. Let’s focus on the issues we all know are important to our district, and support the very best candidate to get things done? Isn’t that what we should all want?
I believe in integrity, intelligence, and experience and that is why Nick Kapoor has my vote in April 13th. I’ll always fight for a better community, and I know he will, too.
Elisabeth A Medaris
Monroe, CT