Rooney issues winter advisory as cold front moves in | The Monroe Sun

Rooney issues winter advisory as cold front moves in

The following is a message from First Selectman Terry Rooney:

With the cold front moving in, I believe it’s a good idea for our residents to keep a few things in mind. My concern as your First Selectman is not the temperature as this is typical New England weather, it’s the duration of time the cold temperatures are predicted to stick around. Some concerns I have that I want to express to our community is first check your fuel source.

Extreme cold weather conditions will burn more fuel, so it’s important to make sure to have a little more storage in preparation.

Furnaces should be serviced as better operating furnaces burn more efficiently saving money.

Be careful using any other heating source as indoor carbon monoxide can be extremely dangerous.

Indoor fireplaces are wonderful, however can create problems if left burning without being attended to.

Lastly, please don’t leave your pets outside. They love the outdoors, however this deep cold can be detrimental to them as well.

This cold front is predicted to last several days, so everyone please check on your elderly neighbors and family. The police department lobby is available for a warming station and if you have any emergencies please call 911.

A little preparation and caution will help us get through this expected cold front.

Thank you for your attention,

Terrence P. Rooney

First Selectman

Sent from my iPhone

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