Public benefits charge on electric bills helps Monroe residents | The Monroe Sun

Public benefits charge on electric bills helps Monroe residents

To the Editor:

I’m a long-time Connecticut resident and I strongly support the public benefits charge in our electricity bills. There’s a lot of misinformation being spread and I’m opposed to efforts that would eliminate programs for affordable heating and electricity, energy efficiency and car chargers.

Our electricity bills are too high. Adding a power plant will take years. We need relief now and the solution is to reduce consumption. We can do that by telling people not to use electricity (not happening), or helping people to use less by being more efficient — that’s what the energy efficiency program that’s funded through a very small portion of the public benefits charge provides to every person in Connecticut who takes advantage of it!

Think the programs don’t benefit you? They also benefit churches to weatherize those historic buildings and nonprofits that may serve the folks of our town.

Monroe residents used $877,000 in incentives to save over $3.2 million. Wow! I’ve benefited from the program with smart thermostats to reduce usage during peak times and installed a car charger for our plug-in hybrids that charge when rates are lowest. Both save me real money.

Next, I want to replace our air conditioner with a heat pump to save money and keep our house cool. Without these programs it may not be possible for many people across Connecticut to implement energy updates.

We need to stand up for our right to affordable energy now and demand that our legislature act to preserve this program — and if you haven’t used it, look into it soon!

Scott Redfern

Senior Manager, Doherty Climate & Resilience Institute

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