
Police investigate report of a student bringing a gun to Masuk

MONROE, CT — Masuk High School was in “stay put” status, keeping students in classrooms and minimizing movement in the building as a precaution this morning, while police and school administrators investigated the report of a potential threat involving a student bringing a gun to school.

“No weapons have been found, and we continue to partner with the Monroe Police Department to investigate the situation,” Superintendent Joseph Kobza told families in an email he later shared with The Sun Thursday morning. “At no time was there any immediate danger to our students or staff.”

“I understand that incidents like this can be concerning, and school counselors are available for any students who may have been upset by this morning’s events,” Kobza said.

The superintendent said the safety of the town’s students and staff is the district’s highest priority and that immediate action was taken to ensure everyone’s well being.

The incident occurred around 7:20 a.m., when students reported the potential threat to administrators at Masuk.

“We promptly notified the Monroe Police Department, who responded quickly and professionally,” Kobza said. “The student in question was brought to the office, and a thorough search was conducted.”

Police Chief Keith White told The Sun he approved the superintendent’s statement before it was sent to families, as this is an ongoing investigation.

“We’ve been working in conjunction with the school to ensure the safety of all and complete the investigation into this matter,” he said, adding officers are trying to ensure there is no future threat.

White said the Board of Education is cooperating with police.

“It’s important for people to be willing to come forward with these types of complaints and to know it will be investigated thoroughly by both the school and the police department,” he said.

“I want to thank our students, staff, and law enforcement for their calm and swift actions in following our safety protocols,” Kobza said. “I particularly want to thank those students who had the courage to come forward and report this unsettling information. We take all reports seriously and will continue to work diligently to maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone in our school community.”

Kobza told parents he will send out another communication later today.

Click here to read an update that was posted after this article.

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