New Teacher Profile: Melanie Vieira works to improve students’ literacy, confidence | The Monroe Sun

New Teacher Profile: Melanie Vieira works to improve students’ literacy, confidence

Melanie Vieira is working with students at Stepney and Monroe elementary schools.

Name: Melanie Vieira

Position: English as a second Language teacher in the district, splitting between Stepney and Monroe elementary schools.

Coming from: This is my first position held in this district. I could not be more excited to be in Monroe. Previously, I was working at Chapel Street Elementary School in Stratford as a reading tutor targeting intervention groups.

Grew up in: Beacon Falls and graduated from Woodland Regional High School.

Education: A Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education in 2021 and continued to work towards my Master’s of Science degree in Bilingual/TESOL Multicultural Education, which I will complete this December.

What do you like most about teaching?

The most incredible part of teaching for me is watching the growth my students make. It is especially special working with multilingual students and watching their communication and literacy skills grow over time alongside their confidence and relationships.

What do you most look forward to about teaching in Monroe this fall?

I am looking forward to becoming a valued member of the MPS learning community and building strong connections with my students. As a first year teacher, I am also looking forward to learning from my students and the talented staff that will work alongside me.

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