Monroe voters allow bonding for vehicles, maintenance of roads, infrastructure

MONROE, CT — Voters unanimously approved resolutions allowing the town to borrow just over $6.2 million worth of bonds for vehicles and infrastructure improvement projects during a town meeting at Monroe Town Hall Tuesday evening.

The projects include no more than $3.2 million for new fire apparatus, $1,520,000 for road construction and reconstruction, $450,000 to replace the public works office roof, and $1,050,000 for trucks and equipment for public works.

First Selectman Terry Rooney said the bonding authorizations are consistent with the town’s capital plan.

“Every year the town as a whole, from the selectman’s office and Board of Finance to the Town Council, supports $5 million in bonding,” he said. “Roads being more expensive in this economy, we added additional dollars to achieve better roadways in town and I’m very pleased that was supported.”

“I am delighted that these bipartisan bonding  resolutions received the people of Monroe’s support,” said Town Council Chairman Jonathan Formichella.

Rooney said volunteer firefighters provide a vital service in town and praised their “forward thinking” on the status of the supply chain and the apparatus that will be needed.

“These trucks may take up to three years for delivery, so it was a good idea to think ahead and allow orders to be placed now,” he said.

The first selectman also noted that upgrades are needed for the Monroe Public Works Department.

“Our department of public works has been operating in substandard conditions for years,” Rooney said. “Therefore, I felt it was imperative to remodel our highway building for the people who maintain our town.”

“The cost of equipment needed to maintain our town has increased significantly, as many things have in this current economy,” he said. “However, the amount supported will give DPW what they need to operate.”

Just over 30 people participated in the town meeting.

“I’m not particularly happy about the low turn out,” Rooney said. “However, I’m pleased all our bonding was supported unanimously and, in addition, I am ecstatic about Monroe’s recent maintenance of our AAA bond rating. The low rate we have acquired due to our fiscally conservative approach to spending and the competency in allocating funds in areas that are unpredictable are also variables of which I am particularly proud.”

All respectful comments with the commenter’s first and last name are welcome.


  1. Mr. Rooney,
    Low voter turout?
    I did not receive an e-mail informing me about the meeting and/or vote.
    Others did not as well.
    Maybe an e-mail should be sent out to all Town subscribers and sign(s) placed along Monroe Tpke and Main St.
    Thank you!

  2. Concerning Mr. Rodney’s remark about low voter turnout at the Town Hall, if they want more people to attend, more people need to know about the vote. I live very close to Town Hall and I’m out driving most ever day. I saw no postings or signs about a pending vote. Maybe they need to do a better job communicating. Perhaps a flyer in the mail or boards up along the road, something

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