Kellogg wants to direct capital funds to Wolfe’s Den Playground, roads | The Monroe Sun

Kellogg wants to direct capital funds to Wolfe’s Den Playground, roads

MONROE, CT — A renovation of the Monroe Volunteer Emergency Medical Service’s headquarters at Jockey Hollow firehouse, road maintenance and a contribution to the Wolfe’s Den Playground project for Wolfe Park are among First Selectman Ken Kellogg’s priorities for the capital budget this year.

During his budget proposal Monday night, Kellogg also told the Town Council he asked Superintendent of Schools Joseph Kobza to identify priorities among the capital needs for Monroe’s public schools.

He said the preliminary capital budget will require further evaluation and prioritization from the Town Council, Board of Finance and Board of Education before a final capital budget and five-year-capital improvement plan will be incorporated into the town budget proposal that will go to referendum on May 4.

The Monroe Playground Foundation has been raising money to replace the wooden Kids Kreation Playground at Wolfe Park with a more modern play space through fundraisers.

Kellogg said he met with the foundation’s chairman, Dan Keene, treasurer Mike Ganino and others about the project and Ganino asked if the town could pitch in.

The first selectman is considering a $100,000 appropriation to speed up the playground project. He plans to discuss it more with the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Kellogg also recommends spending $3 million to improve the town’s roads, using $1 million of approved bonding that was not bonded for during the pandemic, a $470,000 road grant, $530,000 from operating expenses, and a 2022 bond appropriation of $1 million.

Other early capital priorities include money to replace public safety and public works vehicles and equipment, and to continue efforts on a municipal space needs assessment for further strategic programming.

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