Kellogg expects tonight’s CodeRed update on Tropical Storm Isaias to be his last | The Monroe Sun

Kellogg expects tonight’s CodeRed update on Tropical Storm Isaias to be his last

MONROE, CT — First Selectman Ken Kellogg issued a storm restoration update Tuesday night, when the number of homes without power was down to 197 or 2.5 percent of the town.

“We are aware of several Eversource crews that are actively working and will continue with restorations tonight,” he wrote. “Tonight will be the last townwide CodeRed phone update, unless the situation warrants.”

The first selectman promised to continue to make every effort to communicate and coordinate with Eversource and post updates at, until power has been fully restored to all residents.

Among other information in his update:

  • Anyone in need of a cooling center or other storm-related concerns should contact the town dispatch center’s nonemergency number, 203-261-3622.
  • Town officials encourage those without power, who have not reported their outage to Eversource, to do so on its website website or by calling the company at 1-800-286-2000.
  • For storm-related debris, residents may bring one load per day of storm-related debris to the Garder Road landfill, at no charge, Thursday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • The town will continue to maintain its water station, charging station and WiFi access until full power has been restored. Water suitable for drinking is available from a hose at the Senior Center, at the Monroe Police Department, in the vehicle bay area near the library, and at the fire stations on upper Main Street, Monroe Turnpike and Jockey Hollow Road.

“Our charging stations remain available at the Town Hall gazebo and, weather permitting, outside the library from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday,” Kellogg wrote. “Please bring your own lawn chair if desired. WiFi access is also available from outside the library building.”

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