First Selectman Ken Kellogg tops Monroe Republicans’ municipal slate | The Monroe Sun

First Selectman Ken Kellogg tops Monroe Republicans’ municipal slate

First Selectman Ken Kellogg sits at his desk at Monroe Town Hall.

MONROE, CT — The Monroe Republican Town Committee unanimously endorsed incumbent First Selectman Ken Kellogg for a third consecutive term Tuesday, along with a slate of candidates with track records of community service and “an eagerness to run on a team that has successfully produced results for Monroe in a time of pandemic.”

“I am humbled by the Monroe Republican Town Committee’s endorsement of my reelection campaign for Town Council,” Jonathan Formichella, the council chairman, said of his endorsement. “I am proud to run alongside my fellow outstanding Republican Town Council colleagues. Together with First Selectman Ken Kellogg and the Republican team, we can continue to advocate for fiscal responsibility and deliver great results for Monroe residents and taxpayers.”

Kellogg’s reelection bid was kicked off by a nomination speech by Town Clerk Vida Stone.

“Since being elected as first selectman in 2017, Ken has been working diligently to provide services to all residents of Monroe while keeping taxes under control,” Stone said. “He is a strong advocate for Monroe businesses and his passion for economic development is evident by his commitment to local establishments large and small. A true display of his strong leadership and compassion to this town was shown during the COVID-19 pandemic. He selflessly and tirelessly led Monroe in a time of uncertainty. Ken is kind, courteous, respectful, open-minded, fair and extremely intelligent. Monroe is a better place to live in as a result of the experience and leadership that Ken Kellogg brings to our community.”

The nomination was seconded by Planning and Zoning Chairman Michael O’Reilly, who is also seeking reelection. He echoed Stone’s comments, adding that Kellogg rises to the occasion in time of crisis and urgency – exhibited not only by his leadership during the pandemic, but when they first worked together to build the Monroe Health Department from non-existence to its current success as a department that was at the forefront of the emergency response.

In his acceptance speech, Kellogg said he was honored and humbled by the unanimous and enthusiastic support from the Monroe Republicans, and thanked all of Monroe’s elected and appointed officials.

“Eighty percent of my second term has been during a state of emergency,” said Kellogg. “I am incredibly proud that we have kept Monroe safe and in business. Our Republican team has the experience and leadership, and together we will continue to deliver results for all our Monroe families.”

Election Day 2021 is on November 2. Kellogg is joined on the ballot by the following candidates:

Town Council: Enid Lipeles, Jonathan Formichella, Sean O’Rourke, Kevin Reid, Terry Rooney and Dona-Lyn Wales

Town Clerk: Vida Stone 

Town Treasurer: Patrick O’Hara

Tax Collector: Deborah Heim

Board of Finance: Michael Manjos and Greg Beno

Board of Education: Christine Cascella, Dennis Condon, Jeff Fulchino and Justin Orlando

Planning & Zoning: Michael O’Reilly and Robert Westlund

Planning & Zoning Alternate: Nicole Lupo and Dominic Smeraglino

Constable: James Weinberg

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