MONROE, CT — Family Shoes’ store sign is down and it has been closed since Dec. 23, but the owners announced a reopening from Saturday, Feb. 1, to Saturday, Feb. 15, for a “last chance” sale of the remaining shoes and a large variety of estate items.
“Everything in the store is discounted at 10- to 50-percent off,” Susan Smith said.
Items will be sold for cash only and the hours will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. The storefront, which currently has a large “For Rent” sign in the window, is housed in Chuck’s Corner, 150 Main St.
Family Shoes first opened further down Route 25, as the Trumbull Family Shoe Outlet in 1963, before moving to Chuck’s Corner in Monroe and changing its name.
Its founder, Stephen Chuckta Sr., recently passed away, so his children decided to sell the remaining shoes that are in good condition, as well as a wide variety of estate items, before closing its doors for good, making way for a new business to move into the space.
“We can encourage people to stop by to say goodbye after 61 years in business,” Smith said. “We appreciate the many decades of support from the community.”
The following galleries include photos of the merchandise that is still available:
Gallery 2: