Eversource: 99% or more of Monroe will have power by 6 p.m. Tuesday | The Monroe Sun

Eversource: 99% or more of Monroe will have power by 6 p.m. Tuesday

File photo of an Eversource crew.

First Selectman Ken Kellogg issued a storm recovery update:

MONROE, CT — As of 5:30 p.m. Saturday, approximately 4,229 Eversource customers, or 53 percent of Monroe, remains without power.

While I understand the frustration of residents who remain out, I am pleased to report that significant progress was made today:

Several Eversource crews, joined by town crews, have been clearing blocked roadways to make them passable.

Eversource “line crews” are actively working on three major outage events that we are told will restore power to several hundred more customers later today.

Several utility poles were replaced throughout town. There are also Eversource “service crews” in town to address smaller outage events.

Eversource has advised that 90 percent of Connecticut will be restored by Sunday, and that Monroe will be “substantially complete,” meaning 99% or more, by Tuesday at 6 p.m.

Please remember to utilize our dispatch center’s non-emergency number, 203-261-3622, to report storm related concerns, and only use 911 in an emergency.

Water suitable for drinking is available from a hose at the Senior Center, Monroe Police Department in the vehicle bay area near the library, and at the fire stations on upper Main Street, Monroe Turnpike, and Jockey Hollow Road.

Our charging stations remain available at the Town Hall Gazebo and, weather permitting, outside the Library from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Please bring your own lawn chair if desired. WiFi access is also available from outside the library building.

We will continue to post updates at www.MonroeCT.org/storm.

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