EAST HAVEN, CT — A 3-2 overtime loss to No. 3 Conard of West Hartford in the Division III State Tournament quarterfinals in East Haven on March 13 not only concluded the season for the No. 6 Panthers, but marked the end of the careers of seniors Christian LaBella, Connor Kehlenbach, Sean Pardue and Brady Floramo.
Kehlenbach and Luke Kondub scored and Kondub and LaBella recorded assists. Maddex LaFountain was in net for the Panthers who finished 13-8-2.
Kehlenbach, Kondub and LaBella were named to the All SWC Team.
Kondub recorded 28 goals and 38 assists for 66 points. LaBella lit the lamp 30 times and added 26 assists for 56 points. Tommy DaPonte notched seven goals. Teddy Walsh and Kehlenbach have five goals each.