DUI with weapons charges, road rage and more | The Monroe Sun

DUI with weapons charges, road rage and more

Police officers stopped a black Ford Fusion driven erratically on Main Street Saturday evening. Three men with open beer cans could be seen inside the vehicle, along with what appeared to be a rifle with an extended magazine on the shelf by the rear window, according to the report.

The driver, Caike Amaral, 20, of Charles Street in Bridgeport, appeared to try to get out of the car and was ordered back in, police said.

Police said the odor of an alcoholic beverage was on Amaral’s breath and field sobriety tests and breath tests determined he was intoxicated.

The weapon turned out to be an airsoft rifle painted all black, according to the report.

Amaral was charged with operating under the influence, failure to drive in the established lane, operating a vehicle without a license, illegal use of facsimile firearm, illegal possession of a weapon in a motor vehicle and illegally carrying a firearm while under the influence of alcohol.

He was released on $500 bond for an Aug. 20 court date.

Caio Correa, 31, also of Charles Street in Bridgeport, was a passenger in the car, who allegedly painted the airsoft gun.

He was charged with illegal use of facsimile firearm, illegal possession of weapon in a motor vehicle and illegal alteration of a firearm. Correa was released on $500 bond for an Aug. 20 court date.

Road rage

Two male drivers got into a fight after one in a van allegedly passed the other’s 2005 Ford Infinity from behind at a four-way-intersection at East Village Road Thursday.

At the next intersection on Barn Hill Road, police said both men got out of their vehicles to argue and the van driver allegedly threw the driver of the Ford to the ground, ran back to his van and took off, heading north on Route 111.

Police said the victim had minor injuries, but declined medical attention from the Monroe Volunteer Emergency Medical Service.

Officers called police in area towns with the description of a white or gray van with a ladder on the roof, but the driver was not found.

The incident took place around 9:49 p.m., when police were called about people fighting in the road.

An online employment scam

A woman reported an online employment scam Friday.

Police Capt. Keith White said the woman sat through a bogus online job interview and was told $3,000 would be spent to set up her office and she was asked to send $100 worth of iTunes cards in return.

“Beware of anything you deal with online,” White said. “If you’re asked to send anything in return, especially in the form of gift cards or online payments, it should be cause for concern of a possible scam.”

 Car vs. tree

Firefighters and EMS personnel were called to a one-car-accident Sunday night, after a vehicle hit a tree on the side of Barn Hill Road, near Route 111.

Police said the crash is still under investigation, but did say there were no indications of injuries and the male driver was not taken to the hospital.

Stolen checks

An Old Newtown Road woman told police checks previously stolen from her mailbox are now being used.

The fraud complaint was filed on Sunday and police are investigating the theft.

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