DOT’s contractor to clean up roundabout this week | The Monroe Sun

DOT’s contractor to clean up roundabout this week

The landscaping on the traffic circle at routes 110 and 111 is overgrown with weeds.

Complaints about the outgrowth of weeds in the traffic circle at the intersection of routes 110 and 111 were heard and the Connecticut Department of Transportation promises to spruce up the circle and traffic islands.

“I just heard back from the State DOT Commissioner’s Office,” First Selectman Ken Kellogg said in an email to The Sun Wednesday. “First, the DOT has apologized to the Town of Monroe for the status of the landscaping and the delay in addressing this concern. The DOT has directed their contractor to clean it up this week, so I’m hopeful that by Saturday it will look much better.”

Richards Corporation, a Terryville firm, won the bid for the $4,099,707 project with the federal government paying for 80 percent of it and the state picking up the remaining 20.

There have been no accidents at the intersection since drivers started using the traffic circle last year, according to police records.

Until the DOT finishes the project and turns it over to the town, the state is responsible for the landscaping. Kellogg said there are still minor drainage issues and cracks in some sidewalks that need to be repaired before that happens.

When the town assumes ownership of the traffic circle, the Parks and Recreation Department will keep up with the landscaping of the small trees and other plantings.

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