Dog distracts driver in one-car-crash on Gay Bower | The Monroe Sun

Dog distracts driver in one-car-crash on Gay Bower

A woman told police her dog distracted her while she drove her Mercedes Benz on Gay Bower Road, toward Woodlawn Road Saturday evening, and when she turned her head to look at her pet, she turned the steering wheel at the same time.

Police said the car went off the right side of the road and struck a utility pole and wires hung down after the impact.

No injuries were reported, but the driver, Gina Zamary, 60, of 67 Doris Drive in Monroe, was issued an infraction for failing to maintain her lane, according to police.

Police closed the road while Eversource Energy repaired the pole following the accident, which occurred around 5:48 p.m.

A rollover accident on Fan Hill

An East Haven man headed south on Fan Hill Road in a Honda Civic Saturday, when he approached a downhill curve and his car went off the road to the right and flipped, before ending up on its right side, according to the report.

Police said firefighters and Monroe Emergency Medical Service personnel were also called to the scene and the EMS evaluated the driver, who reported no injuries and refused a trip to a hospital.

Michael Jimenez, 18, was issued an infraction for traveling too fast for conditions.

Following the crash in the 380-block of Fan Hill Road, the damaged Honda had to be towed.

Tree limb on wires

A tree limb took down wires on Crestwood Road, including the primary wire to one house Monday night.

Officers responded to the call around 6:38 p.m. and coned off half the roadway, while a crew from Eversource Energy repaired the utility pole, according to the report.

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